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reading guidelines Empty Guidelines For Readers

Tue May 07, 2024 5:58 pm
Any members wishing to apply to become approved (so you can practice on our forum, should you wish to develop your abilities) as a practicing reader, teacher or helper of HeavenlyRest should adhere to these following guidelines.

If you are looking to become a reader here with us, here are some Reader Ethics with which you can use to structure the reading at the time of the estalished link and connection.

The Do's of Reading In Relation to Psychic Development

A gentle reminder to set your intention before any type of working to ensure a positive, accurate and heartfelt experience for your sitter. When you are working with energy, please respect the other person's energy, ask before you connect and set your intention.

Ensure you are grounded and protected before you proceed with the link. (Optional Approach) Open your awareness by breathing out your aura energy fields via a short but brief visualization using the breath counts to relax to lift your vibration so that the link can be delivered.

Remember to ask your sitter for permission to connect and if they are in agreement, proceed with any tools you use, or if no tools; connect in the way that is natural to you. Remember Everyone has their own ways of working, what might be natural to you may not be natural to anyone else.

Trust your first thoughts when linking in- in relation to what tool you are using. Use it as a window or an instrument to connect remotely to viewing the sitters' energy. Give all that comes.  Have a notepad handy to record the experience afterwards.

The Don'ts

Don't connect without sitter's permission. If at any point, the person sitting at the time of link feels uneasy or says they cannot take the information, stop right away! Retune your antennae to connect. If you can't read their energy, tell them direct and ask them to wait for another reader.

Don't constantly ask for readings - We as readers cannot tell you your answers. This is left open for you to explore the outcome of the reading given. If the messages aren't absorbed after they've been delivered to the sitter, it shows that the sitter is just not seeing the truth of the matter, and needs to take on board the messages first so that the changes can take place.

Don't predict cold, or death predictions or health predictions unless otherwise evidential information given by Spirit. We affirm this as we know that it may unsettle the sitter in the process of the connection given and we don't want any of our members who are sitting to feel uneasy at anytime.

Work with what you don't know about the sitter, set everything aside that you know from them and work with what you don't know. That way the reading is able to flow through and provide much guidance in the longer run.

Give all the information that you get in relation to the sitter's energy, if they don't understand it, go back to your guide and ask for help in the delivery of the messages.

Remember to drink water so as to reground your energies.

Sitter Guidelines

When the reader delivers the read/guidance to you, please hold all conversational chat in the chatroom and relax. Open your mind and open your heart, ask for love to be sent to the room. You can do this via intention. Don't constantly ask for readings, otherwise the messages within the links won't change, until you take on board what's been conveyed across.

Focus on the room, when a reader approaches you and asks you if you want a reading done, please answer with little next to no answers like yes, no, true, maybe, poss, can take, so that you understand where the link is going and it lets the reader know that their sitter can take the messages at the time.

If at any point during a reading you feel uncomfortable please talk to Admin privately and discreetly in PM to discuss and I will approach the matter and sort it out to the best of my ability.

Respect the readers' energy and know that they are here to HELP you. There ought to be a level of trust between the member and the reader, so that the guidance can be given with a discerning eye, however, if you feel that there is a conflicting vibe from the reader,  or member in question, please let admin know, so that action can be taken accordingly.

Confidentiality is key to us succeeding as a group - What's on site, stays on site. Members and the Team including Admin are also to be seen as Members, nobody is inferior, superior, or different to anyone else. Everyone is equal and should be respected as such.
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